We're moving!

May 9 2018·2 minute read

It’s hard to think that we’ve been in Calgary for 5 years already!

We’ve made some great friends, memories and life choices here. We’ve loved this city. The diversity and cultural richness, the conveniences of world class services, and being so close to the Canadian Rockies.

Suffice it to say, we’ll miss Calgary and everyone we’re leaving behind. But, we believe it’s time for a new chapter in our lives, and we’re very excited!

When we moved out here it was just Robyn and I, going on a new adventure, right after graduating from university.

Fast forward to today, we’ve now got our son, Félip, who’s 3.5 years old, who’s condition is ever-evolving.

We’ve been changed tremendously by our experiences over the last few years, caring and advocating for Félip. We’ve learn to not take things for granted as well as what’s really important to us in life.

But where are we going?

We’re moving back East, to Ottawa, Ontario. There, we’ll be centrally located and about an 8 hour drive from Grand-Falls, NB, where our families are.

We believe the province of Ontario will be able to provide good supports for Félip and his development. We’ve taken care to ensure his needs will be mirrored in Ottawa at the children’s hospital there. We’ve heard nothing but great things and are really excited to work with the teams.


One of the main reasons we’re moving back East is to be closer to family.

We want to share Félip with everyone! We’d love for our families to be able to spend more time with him and get to know him better.

We’re also wanting a lifestyle change.

We want more time and energy to focus on Félip and our life goals. We want to be more active. We want to focus on our relationships and the people we love.

We’re going to take this move as an opportunity to make changes in our living accomodations and lifestyle to try to align our situation and daily routines with our current values.

We’re leaving this Saturday, May 12th and are driving across the country with Félip and all the pets!

Things have been crazy busy over the last few months but stay tuned, we’ve got plans for more blog posts!

If you don’t already follow us on Facebook and Instagram you should go ahead and do so. We often post images and videos on social media that don’t get included on the blog. We’ve also been exploring Instagram stories as a way to share small glimpses into our lives.

As always… Love. Laugh. Repeat.

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